Monday, November 12, 2007

Look it Mommy Wow! I'm a big girl now!

Well, the time has arrived, I knew both these days would come, but on the same day and so soon? I wasn't prepared and this past week it all happened. Kamaile has turned into such a big girl. For the past month we've been kind of off and on with the whole potty training thing because she seemed excited about it and our pediatrician said if she's excited then now is the time to do it before she gets lazy and uninterested, so we gave it a try for a couple of days and then it seemed like it was becoming a bad experience for her so we put the potty away and thought maybe it was a bit early. This week she kept talking about it again, so we gave it another try although this time we went to the library and stocked up on potty books and potty videos which she was extremely excited about yelling all through the library "potty books, potty video!" and telling everyone who looked at her (I was a bit embarrassed). So every day we've been watching "Once Upon a Potty" with Prudence and reading her books while she sits on her potty, but no luck. Now she associates videos with going potty, she always wants to sit on her potty. Oh great! Finally though, after sitting on her potty for 2 hours and drinking sippies like crazy she did it! Yeah! She was really surprised when her potty starting playing music so I ran over there and sure enough she finally went. She was so proud of herself, the second she realized she did it she jumped up and yelled "I did it!" and asked for her sucker which was promised to her if she went. That very day about a half an hour after I put her down for a nap she comes strutting out of her room giggling and dancing around, ummmm what??? she had climbed out of her crib. It was impossible for me to be mad with the way she was acting. It was like a now what are you gona do Mom kind of attitude. She knew she had just done a major thing and now had all the freedom in the world. Yes, it was pretty funny at the time, but this past week has really thrown me off. I used to feel in such control of her life and my life with having that 3 hour break in the day, now it has turned into a little game for her of me putting her in her big girl bed then her sneaking out until I look at her and then she runs back into bed. It is not a very fun game!!! Without my break I have become so irritated and just can't function normally, it has really thrown me off. Plus with her playing her little game she keeps waking Emmy up, which just adds to the irritation! My neighbor suggested I buy a net made to fit over the crib, at first that seemed too cruel, but I promise I actually considered it yesterday. Also, in the past week she has become a bit of a smart mouth. A couple days ago Aaron kept saying Maile, Maile, but she kept ignoring him until finally she said "what Aaron" in an annoyed tone of voice. Also her new come back when I say she can't have a treat or do something she's not supposed to is "that's rude Mommy". She really is picking up on a lot of things. So between washing out 4 pairs of pee underwear, playing this little "nap game", and dealing with a sassy girl I would consider myself a stressed out mom! Any suggestions for potty training or big girl bed???? Plus to top it off Bingham lost in the semi finals last Friday and I promise that has put me into a bit of a depression. It has been a rough week.


Anonymous said...

Come on Jessie, you should be TOTALLY used to washing out peed in underwear. After all the tickling, etc, that your brothers and brothers-in-law dished out to you, you should be a pro!

Jenny said...

ha, mother, like daugher...

Julie and Dan said...

Oh, I'm with you. I have two sassy girls that talk back to me. Sienna tells us to shut it and Holly spits. And naptime has been horrible since they have shared a room. Good luck with the potty training. Your girls are adorable and their getting so big and like everyone tells us it's all worth it right?

the murdocks said...

Oh Jessie, that sucks...I hate when everything comes at once. But holy cow...she is a big girl! Cooper will be there so soon so please help me when that time comes. I am dreading his climbing out of his crib...and also only taking one nap a day. I am stressed out right now cause I put him in his crib for nap #2 and he has just been playing in there for an hour. DANG IT! Please bless this is not the end of two naps. Nap time keeps us sane.

Jourdan said...

All I can say is, I hear your pain will pass in time.

What time is Aaron working these days. You and Allie and the kids wanna come play over here? said...

Well I know i'm not a mom yet, but my sister had the problem of her kids sneaking out of bed. She read a book that said if you set an alarm clock before their nap and tell them that when the alarm goes off that means nap time is over and reward them with a sucker or something if they don't sneak out, then sometimes that works. I love that i'm giving advice and I have absolutely no idea what i'm talking about. But she said it worked. I could find the name of the book if you want. Good luck!!!

Allie said...

I promise I laughed so hard at your post. I know I won't be laughing when its my baby, but when little kids make smart-A comments, i think it is so hilarious. FUn times though! Let's get together soon!

Brooke said...

Hang in there Jessie! You are way ahead of the game in every aspect.. potty training, Kamaile's vocabulary which frankly I think it's hilarious (to me) that she calls Aaron "Aaron"! You are doing great!

Cliche said...

There is no way I'm going to be able to parent a child. I pray that my children are nothing like me from ages 7-present. I just don't think I could handle that.

the murdocks said...

Jessie...head to Allie's blog asap. A pleasant surprise is waiting.

melissa said...

Jesse, i decided i'm going to add you to my list, i check your blog everyday anyways...couldn't help it:)

Anonymous said...

Hey jessie, that is so funny! It really is like mother like daughter!ha! Wasnt it you and april? I showed jon your blog and when he saw maile...he said that is totally a little jessie! Hey im mailing out chritmas cards andi was wondering if i could get your address. YOu can send it to my email and thanks!